This chapel was mentioned as early as 1669 as a brick construction with three altars. It was damaged in the 1880 earthquake, and was renovated in 1892. The new roof was completed in 1987, together with the tower whose broach spire was clad with copper. Electrical installation works were also done and both interior and exterior walls were refurbished. The chapel is 14 m long and 6 m wide. The main, valuable altar, made in Baroque style, was built in 1661; in 1931, in Pastor Florijan Papić's time, it was plated in gold and renovated. In the nave there is a small altar of St. Jacob, approximately 100 years old, a big crucifix installed in 1934 in remembrance of the 1900 years since the death of Jesus, and a small altar of Our Lady of Carmel, installed in 2007. In the wooden bell tower there are three bells, while one cracked bell is placed at the foot of the big crucifix in the chapel. The bell ringer Ivan Đurđević and his family take care of the chapel.
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